Sunday, May 23, 2010

My personal outlook on life as a 7th grader

As sad as i am to say it the 7th grade is almost over ! Next year we will be in 8th graders and we will be all eaxited to be pre-freshmen and we will probubly not even faintely remember our 7th grade year so lets take a stroll down memory lane of my outlook of this 7th grade years ups and downs shall we ?

My first day (of school) back from minnesota was starangelly exciting. As i walked into the school and go down to the office i realize that we had a new princible in which i thought, "yes! some changes)! Then as Mrs.Shumway goes to explain the changes i find out that Mr.Gunther was fired , we have a new history teacher and new math and bible teachers because eather one quit, retired or was fired with the exciption of Mrs.Zinkgraf who was moved from one subject to the other. I was SO happy!

The first thing that went wrong after i got there was that one of my teacher started verbally abusing us and yelled constantlly yelling for no reason! Even if no one did anything wrong the teacher found something to yell at us for. It got so bad that we started plotting to skip school to get out of it ! Every day the only thing we learnd was yell, yell, yell, scream, scream , scream. But now everything is all fine and dandy!

When i first got there no problems happend was that a few of my friends got into a fight cause an ex of one of them started lieying to make one jeliouse. The claws came out , threts were made, parents were called and it was just a bad deal all around. But now there all friends again.

Lunch is pretty much one of the funnest parts of school right? No school work .No learning , basiclally all u have to do is talk and eat. but ussually u have to be quiet or the teacher on patroll make u quit talking. Well i found out that at this school we can sit out side and talk however loud and do whatever you want (whitin reason)! I was extreemilly happy!!!!

About sometime ago we had cupcake day which ended up being a disaster! As a joke i stuck a cupcake on a friend of mines head! Well she didnt take it very well and she ended up being very mad and took it the wrong way. In which ended up ending in my finger being sprained and her being mad at me for about a few months! But now shes non longer mad and were friends again!

Yesterday was the last showing day of our play. I was supposed to be in the
OZ chorus and the 2nd in command monkey. Which was fine with me . I injoyed being a monkey and looked forward to my scenes. But the person who was supposed to play Nikko ( head flying monkey) had been eather gone or sick so (according to Mrs.Jonas) diddn't no her lines good enough and had to keep asking what she had to do or say so after the first show Mrs.Jonas fired her and bumped me up to play Nikko! But don't get me wrong i felt bad for her but i was really excited to play Nikko!!!!

So as you can see even though we had some ups and downs we still ended up having a fun and great year. Im not coming back next year so i will alway look back at this year and remember all the fun, sad, happy, or unregretful moments of my 7th grade year!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prepare For The Unexpected

Since last year the 1805 high way has been having problems with fallings trees. State could never figure out why they kept falling. So he put a few video camaras out by the spot to see if he could catch the thing the that kept making them fall,but when he came back in the mourning to see, he found the camara had been smashed by a gaint pickle!
State was horrified he decided that he would find it if it was the last thing he did ! He took his giant watermelon house and his ruby red slippers and decided to camp out by the site of destress! State thought that it wasn't safe to sleep so he took toothpicks and pinned his eyes open.
While he was there he heard a strange noise. He looked out the giant seed window of his giant watermelon house and to his surprise he saw a hiant pickle smashing the trees! But it wasnt touching the ground! Could it float? Was he seeing things ? All good questions he decided he wasn't stayin around to find out!
State forgot all about his house and shoes and ran straight to his white car. he got in forgot all about his seat belt and everything els and tryed to drive off, but he forgot about the manuel car brake he put on his tires to keep his car from rolling. He couldn't move the car or his body, he was parralized with fear! As he looked to his right he saw an incredable sight! Tiny mice were swinging giant pickles around and knocking over the trees! They were coming this way! Just as State was about to open his door a giant tree came hurdeling down and crushed his car!
After States death the police station decided they need to put up a notice to warn people. They put up this sign to warn people of the falling trees . But since State died he couldn't tell anyone what was causing the trees to fall. To this day the people of 1805 highway still don't kno what is causing the trees to fall!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More of Mrs.A's Questions

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?
: Audry, Mia , shelby , Hannah , Miles , Aaron H , and Micheal and some are kinda funny.
2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?
: Kristin wrote that and i'm really happy for her ! !!!!!
3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?
: That would be Hannah Baker.
4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?
: Shelby and i wonder whoes she's talking about ?????????
5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?
: 7 and I love mia's poll about ice cream! Cookie Dough should have totally beat Mint Chocolate Chip in my opinion!
Ya know what really bugs me... kiwi . It is this sour, sticky, horrible discrase for a fruit!!!! Pickles are better because they aint sticky.

If i could banish one fruit it would be a kiwi. Which is probubly really confusing since it is my name on here but still im a confusing person!!! i love i good juicey pickle when im upset or hot. Yet my mom said its not smart cause i could get sick but i still want one then!!!!

Well this is my 3 paragraph story on pickles and kiwi. I hope you like it !!!! And if you don't im sorry but i do and its my blog so it doesnt matter. Unless your a teacher in which please disregaurd that last coment, please!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mrs.A's Questions

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?
: That would be Anammarie.
2. Who wrote about influences?
: My friend Helana Anzures ( sorry if i spelled it wrong )!
3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
: Audry, Mrs.A , and Hannah Head .
4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
: Roger and Hunter think there going to own each other (but honestly i think they'll both stink)!
5. Who has been to Cancun?
: Micheal and i wish me !!!!!!
6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
: Ben Snoga and is cousins name is Joe Pawvelick.
7. Who is flyguy899?
: That would be Arthur Johnson.
8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
: I only counted 2.
9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
: Anammarie and Steven have some.
10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?
: Katelyn Abraham but i donnt think she realized it at the time.
11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
: Lauren, Arther, Annammarie, Aaron h, and anyone els in the band I forgot.
12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
: Helana wrote that extremily true statment.

13. Frederick is...?
: Hannah Heads turtle!
14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
: Mrs. A our amazing and forgiving teacher!
15. Who is Chancho?
: Gracen's lama.
16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
: the beatles
17. What colors are the pentagram?
: Red, Blue, Green, and Pink i beleive.
18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?
: Megean was supposed to be but she isnt anymore.
19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
:9 of us which is insaine !!!!!!!!
20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?

: My animal pinky and fishies !!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Me, Myself, and I !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey ! My name is Ashley and I love being me ! Some say i'm random ,some say i'm weird but I take them all as compliments ! Im 13 years old and live in Schertz,TX . I have a brother named J.P. A sister named Carrie . My parents names are Kathy and Jay. I have 2 dogs named Angel and Yankee (but Yankee is more Carries then mine).I love water and campfires , which i think is kinda weird cause there opposites of each other! Well there u go 8 and a third sentences of muah!