Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mrs.A's Questions

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?
: That would be Anammarie.
2. Who wrote about influences?
: My friend Helana Anzures ( sorry if i spelled it wrong )!
3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
: Audry, Mrs.A , and Hannah Head .
4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
: Roger and Hunter think there going to own each other (but honestly i think they'll both stink)!
5. Who has been to Cancun?
: Micheal and i wish me !!!!!!
6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
: Ben Snoga and is cousins name is Joe Pawvelick.
7. Who is flyguy899?
: That would be Arthur Johnson.
8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
: I only counted 2.
9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
: Anammarie and Steven have some.
10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?
: Katelyn Abraham but i donnt think she realized it at the time.
11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
: Lauren, Arther, Annammarie, Aaron h, and anyone els in the band I forgot.
12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
: Helana wrote that extremily true statment.

13. Frederick is...?
: Hannah Heads turtle!
14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
: Mrs. A our amazing and forgiving teacher!
15. Who is Chancho?
: Gracen's lama.
16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
: the beatles
17. What colors are the pentagram?
: Red, Blue, Green, and Pink i beleive.
18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?
: Megean was supposed to be but she isnt anymore.
19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
:9 of us which is insaine !!!!!!!!
20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?

: My animal pinky and fishies !!!!!